Haunted Places Series

03 Oct

I listen to NPR every morning on my commute and I heard a great story this morning. It made me want to start a blog series.  Haunted Places.  The one spoken of on NPR was The Chelsea, a hotel in New York City which is home to many “ghosts”.  Here is a picture from the website:

Ghosts in the sense that you are thinking and also in a sense of memories.  I want to blog each day about a haunted place.  I have always been (well for a while anyway) interested in ghosts and the idea of being “haunted”.   The Chelsea HOtel is now closed, by the way.  What a beautiful building and such wonderful history it has.  I will gather more information and post on it as soon as I can.

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Posted by on October 3, 2011 in Hauntings


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